Green Spirulina Popcorn Beauty Foods

Try this healthy popcorn recipe from my new cookbook out soon called Beauty Foods!  It's perfect for Halloween as it's green and looks a bit spooky, but made with superfoods like Spirulina and ghee!


Serves 4-5 people

  • ¼ cup algae oil

  • 2/3 cup popcorn

  • 2tbsp ghee

  • 1 tsp fine sea salt

  • 2 tsp spriulina powder



Melt the ghee in a small saucepan first before you start the popcorn.

Use a large sauce pan that has a lid, pour in the oil and the corn kernels.  Pop the lid on and keep the heat on medium until you start to hear the corn popping. Once I hear the popping start I carefully shake the pan, holding onto the lid.  The corn will keep popping for a about 2-3 minutes.

Take off the heat and leave the lid on for a couple of minutes in case any more keep popping.  Take lid off and sprinkle the spriulina powder and sea salt over the top of the pop corn and toss together, then drizzle the melted ghee all over and toss the pop corn until everything is well mixed together.

Serve straight away, fresh warm popcorn is the best!

Such a delicious healthy snack that takes less than 10 minutes to make.  Perfect for a girls movie night in.  Once you start making your own popcorn you wont be able to stop, especially when you know this is doing your skin some wonders!