Calcium Rich Chai Green Smoothie

For those who chose or cannot have dairy in their lives it's important to remember to have enough calcium in our diet from alternative sources.  All the ingredients in this smoothie packed full of calcium from plant sources, with a touch of chai spice to make this a delicious way to keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy. 



½ tbsp dried seaweed 

1 cup baby spinach

1 cup baby kale

1 cup soy or almond milk

3 dried figs – stalks removed

2 tsp chai powder(or ½ cup chai tea concentrate)



Make sure to rinse the spinach kale to get rid of any grit!  Soak the dried seaweed in a cup of water for 15 minutes to re hydrate it. Once it's soft add it to a smoothie machine with all the other ingredients and blend until smooth.  Pour the creamy green goodness into a tall glass and enjoy.